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Workout 8.2.22

16:00 to get 4 rounds of

3 Push press+ :20 overhead hold on last rep
8 Ring dips @ 3 sec tempo down
8 bearhug stepups/side

Take the push press from the ground
12:00 EMOM
Min 1: max bar over burpees
min 2: max barbell front rack lunges 95/65, alternating, forward

score is total reps
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Workout 8.1.22

8:00 of
25m double kb front rack carry
1 rope climb

rest 2:00

8:00 of
25m double kb front rack carry
10 v ups or ghds

rest 2:00

8:00 of
25m double kb front rack carry
150m run

score is average weight on the front rack carry

Blog Uncategorized

Workout 7.30.22

8 sets on the 2:30 start of
3 front squats–straight sets, all at an 8/10 difficulty level
1 heavy strict chest to ring

Take the squats from the rack
5 Rounds for time of
9 thrusters 95/65
9 toes to bar
9 bar facing burpees

No rx+, just go faster
Blog Uncategorized

Workout 7.29.22

Every :90 for 5 rounds/movement (so 15 minutes total)
3 Power snatches

8 single arm standing strict press/side @ 3012
5 rounds with a 15:00 cap
400m run
1 max set of unbroken pushups

score is total pushups

Rx+ hspu
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Workout 7.28.22

Fatigue skill work
20:00 EMOM
Min 1: 10 hard row strokes
Min 2: HS walk skill work

Level 1: 20 wall facing shoulder taps–can do on a box as well
Level 2: 2 around the worlds (1 each direction)
Level 3: :30 of max hs walking

score is total cardio output in meters (rollover is fine)
10 min
3 broad jumps–rebounded if you can
:15 L sit–on ghds, boxes, paralletes, etc

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Workout 7.27.22

3 sets of
6 heavy sumo deadlifts
12 bicep curls–6/6, other arm holds the top while first arm goes
Happy belated birthday Jeff!

60 pullups
60 situps
60 American Kb swings green/yellow

On the 2:00, including the beginning, 150 run

Blog Uncategorized

Workout 7.26.22

16:00 to get 4 rounds of

4 Push press+ :20 overhead hold on last rep
6 Ring dips @ 3 sec tempo down
6 dumbbell front rack stepups/side

Take the push press from the ground
15:00 AMRAP
6 Power cleans 135/95
18/12 cal bike

Rx+ 185/125
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Workout 7.25.22

Base Day

32:00 EMOM
MIn 1: 50m farmer’s carry
Min 2: :30 max double unders/single unders
Min 3: 5 sandbag squats
Min 4: :30 row

score is average weight on the farmer’s carry

Blog Uncategorized

Workout 6.27.22

4×4 back squats

Last set 4+ reps

Goal of around 80% to start (5-10 lbs heavier than last week)

10 unbroken banded chinup chest to bar after every set
2 rounds for time
15 double db front squats 50/35
15 pullups
550 run

Rx+ chest to bar


Workout 2/25/22


3 sets
5 strict toes to bar
5 front squats–focus on speed today. Goal of 55-65% with the bar moving as fast as good technique allows
1:00 back extensions, nice and slow


with a partner
Split however
100 air squats
100 cal row
100 situps
100 cal bike

No rx+ today, just crush the cardio

You may only have one bike/rower per pair