Workout 2.6.21

Warmup4 sets of 5-7 reps of:Single arm press/armBentover row–get pretty heavy here! Curtsy lunges 3:00 EMOM5 empty bar ohs @3331 Then, do 3 rounds:toe to bar ...
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Workout 2.5.21

Warmup5:00 plankEMOM 3 inchworms Then go through 3 sets of 3 double pause deadlifts at light weight1 broad jump/box jump  LiftDeadliftTake 12:00 and build to a ...
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Workout 2.4.21

Warmup4 sets6 back rack lunges up to workout weight4 hand release pushups/hspu Workout26:00 (4 rounds) cap5:00 of work, 2:00 of rest until 9 rounds are ...
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Workout 2.3.21

WarmupSpend 5:00 going over rowing technique, then hit  2 sets 15 du8 cal row3 box jump overs  To get your heart rate ready to rock and ...
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Workout 2.2.21

Warmup3 sets of 3 hip thrusts working up to your warmup weight5 scap pullups:20 hollow hold Lift4 sets of8 Barbell hip thrusts–goal would be 80% of ...
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Workout 2.1.21

Warmup2 sets10 eccentric ankle flexions/leg:15 single arm squat hold/side (light):30 hollow hold Then warmup your strength move Lift 5×5Stepups (/leg)+5-10 pounds Or Back Squats +3% ...
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Workout 1.30.21

WarmupGo through an empty bar snatch warmup, then hit two sets of  5hps12/9 cal bike To get a feel for pacing Workout10-1Hang Power Snatch 75/55After ...
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Workout 1.29.21

WarmupGo through a good empty bar warmup, then get to the accessory work Accessory Work4 sets of 6-8 reps of:Single arm arnold press/armBentover row–get pretty ...
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Workout 1.28.21

Warmup3 sets 5 hanging knee raises:15 l-sit/tuck hang10 cal bike or row (get both in) Workout15:00 row At 3,6,9, 12 get off and do10 T2B  rest ...
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Workout 1.27.21

WarmupWarm up clean and jerks to 80% LiftEvery 2:00 for 6 rounds 2 clean and jerks, not touch and go, between 80-90% WorkoutFor time:20 front ...
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