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CrossFit Workout 4.2.24

Sumo DL
3×8–try and add 10-20 lbs to last week

4 sets
1.1 pullup clusters–rest :15 in between reps
8 rear foot elevated split squats/side–goal of the same load as last week
:30 L-sit (accumulated, hanging)
benches near the red wall
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CrossFit Workout 4.1.24

Strict press
3×8 -goal percentage 65-70% of 1rm, try to add 5lbs to last week

superset with

3×8 lat prayers–1031 tempo (1 second down, no pause, 3 seconds up, 1 second pause at the top)

try to add 5-10 lbs to last week
Bench press 135/95
400m run after each set (including the end)

qfs 185/125
benches in the rig, block the parking spot in front of the door for running through
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CrossFit Workout 3.30.24

No partner
For time
30 jumping pullups
30 power cleans 135/95
30/20 cal bike
20 jumping chest to bar
20 front squats
20/15 cal bike
10 strict pullups
10 squat cleans
10/7 cal bike quarterfinals: go chest to bar, bar muscle ups, ring muscle ups
put the bikes out throughout the room, and do your bar work perpindicular to them (to avoid bars bouncing into bikes)
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CrossFit Workout 3.29.24

3×3 landmine rotational snatches/side ThenBox squat
3×10–smooth down, fast up tempo, try to add 10-15 lbs to last week
3 sets
12 dumbbell bench @3101 tempo–try to use the same load as last week for more reps
16-18 box hamstring curls at 2020 tempo
use the back of the boxes in the rig for the curls
benches near the red wall

CrossFit Workout 4.4.24

Chest supported row
3×8–pause at the chest for 1 second every rep–try and add 5-10 lbs from last week

superset with
3×2:00 amrap pushups 1 sec pause at the top and bottom each rep
10:00 AMRAP
6 pullups
9 air squats
12 kb snatches (total) purple/blue
150 run

quarterfinals chest to bar and goblet squats
staging: air squats and kb snatches in the middle
leave a lane to run through
spot to spot on the 150s
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CrossFit Workout 3.28.24

Chest supported row
3×10–pause at the chest for 1 second every rep–try and add 5-10 lbs from last week

superset with
20-30 accumulated pushups with a 1 sec pause at the top and bottom every rep
12:00 AMRAP
2 rope climbs
10 v-ups/ghds
300m run

quarterfinals legless rope climbs

If weather does not allow running, do
25/20 cal bike in place of the run

If it’s nice, we’re running though!
staging: do your v-ups/ghds in b/t the ropes and garage door, but leave a lane to run through
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CrossFit Workout 3.27.24

4 RFT, rest 2:00 in b/t
500m/450m row
15 back squats 115/75–
:20 ring support hold

Quarterfinals: front squats, 155

bar comes from the ground today
staging: rowers near the red wall
back squats throughout the room
dip holds on the rig, or if there’s a big class, on the high rings
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CrossFit Workout 3.26.24

Sumo DL
3×10–try and add 10-20 lbs to last week
10×1 weighted strict pullup–all at 80% of the heaviest weight you got to last weekIf you did a banded variation last week, do 12 reps instead of 10. also accumulate3 sets
10 rear foot elevated split squats/side–goal of the same load as last week
:30 L-sit (accumulated, hanging)–try to do this in less sets this week
staging: put benches out for the RFESS
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CrossFit Workout 3.25.24

Strict press
3×10 -goal percentage 60-65% of 1rm, try to add 5lbs to last week

superset with

3×10 lat prayers–1031 tempo (1 second down, no pause, 3 seconds up, 1 second pause at the top)

try to add 5-10 lbs to last week
Box stepovers 2×35/25 to 20/16in
Dumbbell push press, same load

quarterfinals alternating pistols
boxes spread throughout, do your push presses just beside
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CrossFit Workout 3.23.24

For time with a partner
20 rounds–you go I go, full rounds (10 each)
5 toes to bar
7 wallballs 20/14–everyone goes to 10
150 run
boxes spread throughout, wallballs along the walls.
prioritize the red wall and poles to leave space for toes to bar

Note: this is Roman’s going away workout. He’s coming to 9am, we’re going to do an impromptu brunch afterwords. John will grab coffee and bagels, bring anything else you want to share!