
Workout 5.19.20

3 sets of: 
50 foot/:20 waiter’s walk/arm
100m run
:15 star plank.side
6 sets of: 

Strict hspu

Level 1–
Pike hspu–amrap-2

Level 2–
2-3 Negatives

Level 3–
33% of your max set

Go every 2:00

Then warmup your shoulder to overhead to workout weight
CrossFit Workout
7 Rounds for time:
200m run
Shoulder to overhead
Rest 1:00

No equipment–7 of the hardest handstand pushup variation you can keep unbroken
KB/DB–7 single arm s2o/arm
Barbell- 7 Shoulder to overhead

Rx would’ve been 135/95 here, rx+ would’ve been 185/125

Think about 65% of your max on the barbell
Extra Work
30:00 run
2:00 at a 60:00 pace
1:00 at a 20:00 pace

Brett’s Story

Coach’s Note

Brett is a little hard on himself in his story, but it’s so raw and authentic we wanted to publish it as he wrote it–when he comes into the gym, he’s a very hard worker, and he’s motivated enough to sometimes go lift at a 24 hour facility when he couldn’t make it into the gym. Since being home, Brett has been doing individual programming at home during this period, and has consistently CRUSHED 5 days a week, all while working a full time job from home. Most importantly, he’s humble enough to work on the parts of his fitness regimen that have held him back in the past. We’re incredibly proud of him. Just as a small glimpse, he’s hit 3 PRs during Covid!:

  • Clean
  • Push Press
  • Deadlift

Brett’s Story:

     When I first moved to Colorado about 10 years ago I lived up in Keystone, so exercise was basically built into everyday life. During the winter we’d always be snowboarding when we weren’t working, or in the summer I’d ride my downhill bike at Keystone during my breaks and days off so I was always doing some sort of exercise as part of my hobbies. It was a big adjustment moving to Denver, having more of a desk job and trying to find healthy hobbies outside of work in the city. I’ve been a member at Front Range for a couple of years now and I’ve struggled with getting into an actual consistent routine coming in. I’ve kind of always been the one to choose happy hour with coworkers, or friends, over going to the gym. It wasn’t until just before Christmas when I actually made the decision to reset my priorities and focus on living a healthier lifestyle. I think shifting my priorities was because of how much better, mentally, I felt after the gym and it led me to a healthier lifestyle all around. I ended up eating cleaner and then I also made the decision not to keep alcohol in the house. Then going into the stay at home order I knew I had to set some boundaries for myself and have to stick to them like I had before. I knew that if I ate something “unhealthy” or I had some drinks with friends (social distance style of course), that I couldn’t go completely off the rails and I had to get back on track. Everything in life seems to be changing, so it’s nice to have an actual routine with everything being so out of the ordinary these days.

How much more I’m working out

    I used to come to Front Range on Monday and Wednesday then rarely on a Friday or Saturday. Then I would go to 24 hour fitness and just do compound lifts on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be honest I was nervous to do CrossFit more just because I felt like I physically wasn’t capable, which it was probably more of a mental thing. I really started to notice actual results when I started coming in at least four days a week. Now I’m working out five days a week and feel a lot better. I remember the first day I came in two days in a row and John laughed and called me out “holy crap Brett’s here two days in a row” or something along those lines. Writing this and telling this is not within my comfort zone. I really do not like attention, at all, and John knows that. That being said, I honestly can’t thank him, the other coaches, or members, enough for creating such a great atmosphere, which is why I agreed to share what I’ve been working on. I feel fortunate to be part of a gym that allows us to take equipment home, do zoom classes, answer text messages, and just have that personal interaction with its members, not something I expected to find. This is the best physically and mentally I have felt in a long time, and I thank John and everyone at Front Range for that.

Coach’s Post Note
We’re going to try and spotlight the multitude of members like Brett we have who have crushed continuing to work out at home. If you need help getting your fitness together at home, set up a time to chat with the free intro button! We specialize in working with busy adults who need fun, varied, well-guided fitness programs that are built around their goals. 


Workout 5.18.20

3 rounds of: 
5 stepups/leg
5 box jumps
100 flutter kicks
Hip Thrust–
5 sets on the 2:00 start. If you can’t keep moving for your allotted time, hold the top for the rest of the time
no equipment: 1:00 straight (if you can’t keep moving, hold the top)
kb/db- :50 straight (if you can’t keep moving, hold the top)
barbell-:40 straight
CrossFit Workout
16:00 AMRAP
16 stepups
16 reverse crunches
16 box jump overs/tuck jump

No weight. Everyone does this one today. 
Extra Work
10 sets of 2 on the :90 start:
High hang power snatch at 50-60% of your max snatch. Move FAST.


8 Sets of 3 on the 2:00 start of:
Weighted chin up or supinated bentover row. Get heavy! 

Workout 5.16.20

3 rounds of: 
3-5 reps of each movement. 
First round-slow and controlled up and down
Second round- slow down, fast up
Last round–fast both directions
5 rounds for time
pullup type thing
30 pushups
40 situps
50 air squats

3:00 rest in between rounds

pullup bar–20 pullups
no pullup bar–40 towel rows/ring rows
no good door for towel rows–40 bicep curls (/arm if single arm)
Extra Work
6-10 rounds
1:00 run
2:00 rest

If you drop by more than 25m or so, terminate the workout

Workout 5.15.20

3 rounds
10 split squat rock backs/side
5 deadlifts
5 box jumps
Every 2:00 for 7 rounds
3 lunges/leg

No equipment–rear foot elevated, :10 pause on the last rep on each leg
KB/DB-rear foot elevated, :05 pause on the last rep of each leg
Barbell–front rack rear foot elevated, :03 pause on the last rep of each leg

get as heavy as you can with that pause
3 Rounds for time
25 box jumps

no equipment–50 arch ups
kb/db-35 deadlifts
barbell-25 deadlifts

rx would’ve been 135/95
rx+ would’ve been 185/125
Extra Work
10:00 EMOM
2 push jerks @ 65-70% for max speed/snappiness


Every :06 until failure
1 dumbbell/kb snatch

If all you have is a barbell, do 1 power snatch with 95/65 every :08 instead of every :06

100 rep barbell snatch cap

150 rep dumbbell/kb snatch cap

Workout 5.14.20

10:00 of: 
:20 bottom of front squat hold
10 wrist rocks
:30 side plank/side
Skill Work
Free standing handstand hold

Level 1–practice kicking up

Level 2–20 scissor kicks

Level 3– kick off the wall and hold freestanding

5 sets, about 1:00 rest in between rounds

about :30-:45 of work for the practice
Carry (x10 in m)

no equipment–jump squats, suitcase carry a suitcase

kb/db–double thruster, or 45/30/15 single arm, farmer or suitcase carry

barbell–thruster, pinch grip suitcase carry (1 hand)

rx would’ve been 95/65, I would’ve said no one goes up, just go faster
Extra Work
45:00 of: 
2:00 ruck
2:00 unweighted jog

All at about 70% effort

Workout 5.13.20

Do 2 sets of 10 i’s,y’s,and t’s

2 rounds of 
100m run
25 hollow rocks
5 reps of your pullup movement
10:00 EMOM
bentover rows:

no weight- :30 of towel rows @3 seconds down, 3 seconds up tempo

kb/db–5 bentover rows/side at a slow down, pause at the chest tempo–other hand braced

barbell– 1 pendlay row, up to something heavy
4:00 of work, 2:00 rest x 4 rounds
400m run
20 vups
Max pull type thing in remaining time. 

Options: bicep curls, bentover rows, strict pullups, kipping pullups. 

Score is reps*points

bicep curls/ring rows– .5 points
bentover rows–1 point
kipping pullup–2 points
strict pullup-4 points
Extra Work
10:00 EMOM
2 squat snatches at 65%. Make em fast and snappy. 

Accumulate 100 single leg rdls/side

weight as able. 

Workout 5.12.20

3 rounds
5 high stepups/leg (no weight)
:10 handstand hold
:30 crush hold
Speed Work 
8:00 EMOM
1 single leg vertical leap/leg
5 rounds for time of: 
box stepups
10 handstand pushups (or pike)
100m crush carry

no equipment–20 total box stepups
kb/db–16 total box stepups
barbell-12 total back rack stepups

rx would’ve been 2 35/25 dumbbells in the farmer’s grip, and 24/16kg kb for the crush carry
rx+ would’ve been 2×50/35, and 32/24 

if I had programmed this as a barbell, it would’ve been 75/55 as rx and 95/65 as rx+, and then 1:00 front rack hold. 
Extra Work
20:00 of: 
:45 @5 mile pace
:15 @2 mile pace

Workout 5.11.20

9:00 EMOM
A- warmup your violent hip extension
B- :20 of double unders/practice
C- :30 plank
Lift–VIolent hip extension
Every :90 for 6 rounds
No equipment: 3 Burpee Broad Jumps
KB/Dumbbell–5-10 russian swings, AHAP
Barbell–Power clean x 3 reps
12:00 AMRAP
2, 4, 6, etc up the ladder

Violent Hip extension movement
Double unders (x5)

No equipment–burpee broad jump–reps/2 (so 1,2,3, etc)
KB/DB–American swing
Barbell-hang power clean

rx weight would’ve been 95/65, or 24/16kg kb
rx+ would’ve been 115/75, or 28/20

If you don’t have a jump rope/double unders, do 1 mountain climber/double under rep. 
Extra Work
10:00 EMOM
2 dumbbell front squats for max speed

goal is a weight that feels like about 70%


10 sets of:
10 bentover or ring row
10 lateral raises
10 front raises

Workout 5.9.20

3 rounds
100m run
:10 active hang
:10 bottom of pushup hold
:10 bottom of squat hold

Sweaty Saturday!
For time with a 35:00 cap:
15 Rounds of:
run 100m

5 pull type things–bentover rows, pullups, etc. If single arm, do/arm. If ring rows, do 10. If bicep curls, do 15.
10 pushups
15 air squats

The :30 rest is there to let you take some chances on pushups/squats in terms of breakup strategy, and see how that might play for Murph.

Extra Work–Endurance Bias
On a 30:00 Clock
2:30 at 1 hour TT pace
:30 @ mile pace”