Workout 5.12.20

3 rounds
5 high stepups/leg (no weight)
:10 handstand hold
:30 crush hold
Speed Work 
8:00 EMOM
1 single leg vertical leap/leg
5 rounds for time of: 
box stepups
10 handstand pushups (or pike)
100m crush carry

no equipment–20 total box stepups
kb/db–16 total box stepups
barbell-12 total back rack stepups

rx would’ve been 2 35/25 dumbbells in the farmer’s grip, and 24/16kg kb for the crush carry
rx+ would’ve been 2×50/35, and 32/24 

if I had programmed this as a barbell, it would’ve been 75/55 as rx and 95/65 as rx+, and then 1:00 front rack hold. 
Extra Work
20:00 of: 
:45 @5 mile pace
:15 @2 mile pace


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