Workout 5.19.20

3 sets of: 
50 foot/:20 waiter’s walk/arm
100m run
:15 star plank.side
6 sets of: 

Strict hspu

Level 1–
Pike hspu–amrap-2

Level 2–
2-3 Negatives

Level 3–
33% of your max set

Go every 2:00

Then warmup your shoulder to overhead to workout weight
CrossFit Workout
7 Rounds for time:
200m run
Shoulder to overhead
Rest 1:00

No equipment–7 of the hardest handstand pushup variation you can keep unbroken
KB/DB–7 single arm s2o/arm
Barbell- 7 Shoulder to overhead

Rx would’ve been 135/95 here, rx+ would’ve been 185/125

Think about 65% of your max on the barbell
Extra Work
30:00 run
2:00 at a 60:00 pace
1:00 at a 20:00 pace


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