Workout 8.1.20

4 rounds
20 double unders/double under practice
2 high box jumps
3 power cleans up to workout weight
:20 arch hold
5 on the 5
400m run
5 Tall box jumps, 4-8 inches more than you normally do
1 Power Clean @80%
No rebounding

If you’re not sure, suggested weights are:
Rx 155/105
Rx+ 225/155

For those of you who have been here awhile, skip used to program this at 185/125 or 225/155 depending on his mood. If you keep good training notes, you could look back and see what you used to get!
Pick something you think is fun or you need to work on and do it for 10:00 as a finisher.
3×10-15 reps of a bodybuilding/accessory movement
Skill practice
Olympic technique work
Go for a walk


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