Workout 5.22.20

On a 10:00 clock
800m run (easy)
10 bodyweight reverse lunges/leg
In remaining time, AMR for quality of: 
10 pike leg lifts
10 arch ups
CrossFit Workout
For time 
Reverse lunges
800m run

no equipment–80 reverse lunges
kb/db–40 goblet reverse lunges
barbell– 30 back rack reverse lunges

rx would’ve been 135/95
rx+ would’ve been 165/110
In-class accessory work
10 sets of: 
10 bicep curls
10 lateral raises
10 front raises

This will obviously have to be light weight, so use light weight or whatever you have around the house. 
Extra Work
10 sets of 2 sumo box front squat
@50% of your front squat. Move the bar as fast as you can, and go every ;90 

8×3 Sumo deadlift
Get as heavy as perfect form allows. Go every 3 minutes.


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