Happy Holidays!
Reminder-1 class today, 9am, closed Sunday/Monday!
12 days of Christmas
Like the song…
1 Thruster 95/65
2 Power cleans 95/65
3 Ring dips (go from the high rings if you can)
4 toes to bar
5 Chest to bar
6 Russian KB swings 24/16 (green/yellow)
7 burpees
8 stick jumps over the barbell
9 Deadlifts 95/65
10 Front squats 95/65
11 wallballs 20/14
12 devil’s press 2×50/35
rx+ go a bit heavier on everything.
barbells in the middle of the room
wallballs on the red wall
burpees, devil’s press, and swings in the back.