Warmup 4 rounds of: 20 foot side shuffle/side 20 foot leopard crawl 10 bird dogs/side |
Skill/Speed Work 4 sets of 5-10-5 drills. Go every 3:00 Set 1–easy Set 2–60-70% Set 3 70-80% Set 4– 80-90% |
CrossFit Workout Helen ish 3 RFT 400m run 21 american kb swings pullupy things no equipment–hang snatch a backpack, 24 bicep curl same kb/db–american swings, 18-24 bentover rows based off of weight barbell-hang plate snatch, 18 barbell bentover rows Strict pullups–8 every round |
Extra Work Run for 40:00 Every 5:00 from 5-35:00 run HARD for :05-:10 |
In this quick conversation, we want to learn all about you, your fitness goals and how we can help you reach them.