Warmup After a good general warmup Go through a kipping warmup Go through toe to bar practice Then practice dumbbell ohs Then hit 3 rounds of: 2 dumbbell ohs right 1 bar muscle up 2 dumbbell ohs left 2 toes to bar Building up to workout weight and intensity |
Workout 12:00 AMRAP 10 right-arm dumbbell overhead squats 5 bar muscle-ups 10 left-arm dumbbell overhead squats 15 toes-to-bars ♀ 35-lb DB ♂ 50-lb DB note–if not doing the open, feel free to sub single arm front squats if mobility is a big issue. |
Cooldown 2:00 easy movement 10 pvc passthroughs :30 calf smash/side x 2-3 rounds |
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