Workout 12.22.20

3 sets:

:30 kickup narrow handstand hold
12 tempo upright rows/arm
Snatch Warmup
2:00 EMOM–empty barbell
3 snatch pull+3 snatch high pull+ 3 power snatch

right into
2:00 emom
3 OHS+ 3 snatch balance+ 3 squat snatch

Then warm your snatch up to your heaviest weight. In between sets hit 3-5 presses/hspu and do some double unders
Every 4:00 for 5 rounds

10/8/6/4/2 Snatch any style– use the chart for your weights
10 double kb/db strict press 2×35/25 or yellow/blue
50 double unders

Rx+8 strict hspu

If your snatch is less than 55- make your 2 rep the heaviest thing you’re comfortable with, then back off 5 pounds for every preceeding round (max-5 for 4, max-10 for 6, etc). If that gets you to a training bar, use a training bar for every set higher rep than that. 
If your snatch is 55-65 –use: 35/40/45/50/55
If your snatch is 70-85 use: 45/50/55/60/65
If your snatch is 90-115 use: 55/65/70/75/80
If your snatch is 120-135 use: 65/75/85/95/105
If your snatch is 140-165 use: 75/95/105/125/135
If your snatch is 165-185 use 85/105/125/140/155
If your snatch is over 185 go 95/115/135/155/185

Note–if your snatch is 185, replace the last bar with 165 or 175

Score is total working time


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