Workout 10.9.20

3 rounds:
20 du
10 dumbbell shoulder ext rotations
5 shoulder to overhead up to workout weight
5 toe to bar progression reps:

Kipping knee raises, kipping leg raises, kipping toes to bar
Skill Work
3 sets on the :90 start:
Level 1: 3 jumping bar muscle ups

Level 2: 3 banded bar muscle ups

Level 3: 3 bar muscle ups, add weight as you’re able
5 rounds of 2:00 on, :30 reset
40 double unders
10 shoulder to overhead 95/65
max toes to bar in remaining time

Rx+ 115/75 OR 60 du. Whichever you need to work on more
Extra Work
5 sets of 
10 double kb rows–focus on control over weight here 
6 nordic hamstring curls 

On the 4:00 start x 3 rounds
20 chest to bar

Then hit the longevity work as well, but push the weight on the rows


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