Workout 10.17.22

Go through a good shuttle run warmup then

2 sets
:30 sandbag bearhug hold
:20 active hang on rings

then 2 sets
10 ring swings
:10 ring support (low rings)

5 ring row muscle up transitions
5 ring to hip kips
2 ring muscle ups or jumping ring muscle ups

then 2 rounds
4 toes to ring or 2 RMU
4 sandbag lunges total
4 shuttle runs

add weight and speed the second round
5:00 AMRAP
1:00 rest
x 4 sets

10 toes to ring
10 sandbag reverse lunges total 100/70
10 shuttle runs (down+back=1)

start where you left off

rx+ 5 RMU


book a
free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.