Workout 2.16.21

Warmup8:00 of:1 db press+2db push press+3 db push jerk+:30 overhead hold/side:20 side plank/side10 external rotations/side5 empty bar press in split/side Then warmup push press to ...
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Workout 2.15.21

WarmupGo through a kipping warmup, then: 3 sets 4 lunges up to heaviest weight1 of each kipping movement20 du Workout3:00 on/3:00 off for 4 rounds Round ...
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Workout 2.13.21

WarmupSpend 10:00 going over clean and jerk tech and warmup LiftIn 15:00 build to a heavy clean and jerk Then warmup toes to bar and ...
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Workout 2.12.21

WarmupGo through an empty bar snatch warmup, then:  3 sets2 hang power snatches–get heavier than workout weight3 hip thrusts, warming up to strength weight:30 bike ...
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Workout 2.11.21

Warmup3 sets10 scap pushups:20 ring support hold Then:2 sets3 strict press up to workout weight2 burpee over the bar1 ring dip WorkoutFor time:60 strict press ...
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Workout 2.10.21

Core Warmup10:00 AMRAP:30 hollow hold:30 side plank/side Then go through a kb warmup and do 1 round of10 russian swings50 du 10 situps To figure out ...
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Workout 2.9.21

Lift4 sets of 5-7 reps of:Single arm arnold press/armBentover row–get pretty heavy here! Curtsy lunges WarmupGo through a kipping warmup, then do: 3 sets3 thrusters3 pullups/chest ...
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Workout 2.8.21

Warmup2 sets10 eccentric ankle flexions/leg:20 dumbbell oh squat hold:30 hollow hold Then start your squat build LiftBuild to a 5rm back squatAvoid bouncing for as ...
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Workout 2.6.21

Warmup4 sets of 5-7 reps of:Single arm press/armBentover row–get pretty heavy here! Curtsy lunges 3:00 EMOM5 empty bar ohs @3331 Then, do 3 rounds:toe to bar ...
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Workout 2.5.21

Warmup5:00 plankEMOM 3 inchworms Then go through 3 sets of 3 double pause deadlifts at light weight1 broad jump/box jump  LiftDeadliftTake 12:00 and build to a ...
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